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BECOME is from Santa Barbara, CA, home of Ebullition Records. These guys love to express themselves. Read for yourself.

Ghost Mice + Lawine

GHOST MICE is a first wave FOLK-PUNK band from Bloomington Indiana and Paris France. We are Chris Clavin (Guitar), Hannah (violin) and Pascaloo (Various). no gods, no managers. LAWINE is a second wave Anarcho-Screamo Punk band from Nijmegen, Amsterdam and Arnhem. Featuring members of Landverraad, Sloth and Antillectual. First LP is out, first … Continue reading Ghost Mice + Lawine

Bad Ideas

Sam Cook of Bad Ideas talks about drinking pints, bald hardcore guys and French people getting laid.

Gallows sign with Bridge 9

Gallows is excited to announce the release of a brand new album, which will be available in the U.S. from Bridge Nine Records early this Fall.

Drug Church

Drug Church is a new band from the USA who would love to bring back the push pit. Cory, the guitarist introdudes the band.